Brief CV
2017.11—up to now Postdoctoral fellow, institute of Marine ecological genomics, school of Marine science, sun yat-sen university
2010.9—2016.12 PhD in genetics, institute of hydrobiology, Chinese academy of sciences Tutor: Jianfang Gui
2006.9—2010.6 Bachelor of bioengineering from nanjing university of science and technology
Research Interests
Molecular mechanisms of fish sex determination and gender differentiation
1. Liu, W.#, Li, S.Z.#, Li, Z., Wang, Y., Li, X.Y., Zhong, J.X., Zhang, X.J., Zhang, J.,Zhou, L. and Gui, J.F.*,Completedepletion of primordial germ cells in an all-female fish leads to sex-biasedgene expression alteration and sterile all-male occurrence. BMC genomics,2015,16, 1.
2. Li, S.Z.#,Liu, W.#, Li, Z., Wang,Y., Zhou, L., Yi, M.S. and Gui, J.F.*.Molecular characterization and expressionpattern of a germ cell marker gene dnd in gibel carp (Carassius gibelio). Gene,2016,591, 183-190.
3. Li, S.Z. #, Liu, W.#, Li,Z., Li, W.H., Wang, Y., Zhou, L. and Gui, J.F.*. greb1 regulates convergent extension movementand pituitary development in zebrafish. Gene. 2017.

Shizhu Li
Dr. Lee carnation in 2017 Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph.D., in November 2017 to enter the School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University. During his Ph.D., he studied under Academician Gui Jianfang, and was mainly engaged in research related to fish reproduction and growth. At present, the main research direction is the genetic mechanism of breeding fish and the molecular mechanism of sex development. He hosted the first-class project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, published 3 SCI papers and 1 Chinese core journal as the first author. Apply for 2 invention patents and 3 utility model patents.