Coastal wetland ecology (community structure and nutritional relationship of benthic and swimming animals in mangrove wetlands, adaptation mechanisms of intertidal animals to habitats, wetland biogenic element cycle and pollutant distribution characteristics);
Marine aquaculture ecology and fishery resources (ecology of marine aquaculture pond waters, adaptation mechanisms of farmed animals to environmental factor stresses, offshore marine fishery biological resource communities and food webs)
Educational Background
2010.09-2013.12 厦门大学 水生生物学 博士 导师:林光辉/高亚辉教授
2007.09-2010.06 中国海洋大学 水产养殖 硕士 导师:董双林/高勤峰教授
2003.09-2007.06 中国海洋大学 水产养殖学 本科
Work Experience
2019.07— 中山大学 海洋科学学院 副教授
2016.07-2019.07 中山大学 生命科学学院 特聘副研究员
2014.07-2016.06 清华大学 深圳研究生院海洋学部 博士后 合作导师:蔡中华/林光辉教授
互花米草入侵对红树林湿地游泳动物群落结构和营养关系的影响及其机制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41976160),64万,2020-2023,主持,在研
海洋渔业资源调查研究,惠州市2017年市级统筹油补资金项目 (F2007-01-04),170万,2017-2019,主持,在研
Feng JX, Guo JL, Cao YT, Hu NX, Yu CX, Li R. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion and subsequent mangrove restoration on soil nitrogen mineralization in Quangang, China. Restoration Ecology, 2022, e13833
He YN, Lin GM, Gao XY, Cao YT, Hu NX, Li R, Feng JX*. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion and mangrove restoration on soil microbial functional diversity. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2022, 22, 4317-4326.
Yan R, Feng JX*, Wang YM, Fu LX,Luo XX, Niu LX, Yang QS*. Distribution, sources, and biogeochemistry of carbon pools (DIC, DOC, and POC) in the mangrove-fringed Zhangjiang Estuary, China. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022, 9: 909839.
Huang XF, Feng JX#, Dong JD, Zhang J, Yang QS, Yu CX, Wu ML, Zhang W, Ling J. Spartina alterniflora invasion and mangrove restoration alter diversity and composition of sediment diazotrophic community. Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 177: 104519.
Lin GM, He YN, Lu JG, Chen H, Feng JX*. Seasonal variations in soil physicochemical properties and microbial community structure influenced by Spartina alterniflora invasion and Kandelia obovata restoration[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 797(3):149213.
Zhang YS, Yu CX, Xie JJ, Du ST, Feng JX*, Guan DS*. Comparison of fine root biomass and soil organic carbon stock between exotic and native mangrove. Catena, 2021, 204C: 105423.
Yu CX, Guan DS, Wang, G, Lou D, Wei L, Zhou Y, Feng JX*. Development of ecosystem carbon stock with the progression of a natural mangrove forest in Yingluo Bay, China. Plant and Soil, 2021, 460, 391-401.
Ying R, Cao YT, Yin FM, Guo JL, Huang JR, Wang YY, Zheng LM, Wang JX, Liang HL, Li ZF, Feng JX*. Trophic structure and functional diversity reveal pelagic-benthic coupling dynamic in the coastal ecosystem of Daya Bay, China. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 113, 106241.
Yu CX, Feng JX*, Liu K, Wang G, Zhu YH, Chen H, Guang DS. Changes of ecosystem carbon stock following the plantation of exotic mangrove Sonneratia apetala in Qi’ao Island, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 717, 137142.
Jiang L, Feng JX#*, Ying R, Yin FM, Pei SR, Lu JG, Cao YT, Guo JL , Li ZF. Individual and combined effects of ammonia-N and sulfide on the immune function and intestinal microbiota of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2019, 92: 230-240.
Feng JX, Cui XW, Zhou J, Wang LM, Zhu XS, Lin GH. Effects of exotic and native mangrove forests plantation on soil organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents and pools in Leizhou, China. Catena. 2019, 180: 1-7.
Ying R, Yin FM, Jiang L, Huang JR, Li ZF, Wang YY, Lu JG, Feng JX*. Fitting methods and seasonality effects on the assessment of pelagic fish communities in Daya Bay, China. Ecological indicators. 2019, 103: 346-354.
Feng JX, Wang SG, Wang SJ, Ying R, Yin FM, Jiang L, Li ZF. Effects of invasive Spartina alterniflora Loisel. and subsequent ecological replacement by Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham. on soil organic carbon fractions and stock. Forests. 2019, 10(2), 171.
Feng JX, Huang Q, Chen H, Guo JM, Lin GH. Restoration of native mangrove wetlands can reverse diet shifts of benthic macrofauna caused by invasive cordgrass. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2018, 55:905–916.
Feng JX, Lin YY, Yang Y, Shen QQ, Huang JR, Wang SG, Zhu XS, Li ZF. Tolerance and bioaccumulation of Cd and Cu in Sesuvium portulacastrum. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety. 2018, 147: 306-312.
Feng JX, Lin YY, Yang Y, Shen QQ, Huang JR, Wang SG, Zhu XS, Li ZF. Tolerance and bioaccumulation of combined copper, zinc, and cadmium in Sesuvium portulacastrum. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018, 131: 416-421.
Feng JX, Zhou J, Wang LM, Cui XW, Ning CX, Wu H, Zhu XS, Lin GH. Effects of short-term invasion of Spartina alterniflora and the subsequent restoration of native mangroves on the soil organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stock. Chemosphere. 2017, 184: 774-783.
Feng JX, Zhu XS, Wu H., Ning CX, Lin GH. Distribution and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of a typical restored mangrove–aquaculture wetland in Shenzhen, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2017, 124: 1033-1039.
Feng JX, Gao QF, Dong SL, Sun ZL. Transference of heavy metals associated with the trophic structure in a polyculture pond: evidence from nitrogen stable isotope. Aquaculture Research. 2016, 47: 1996–2003.
Feng JX, Huang Q, Qi F, Guo JM, Lin GH. Utilization of exotic Spartina alterniflora by fish community in mangrove ecosystem of Zhangjiang Estuary: evidence from stable isotope analysis. Biological Invasions. 2015, 17 : 2113-2121.
Feng JX. Gao QF, Dong SL, Sun ZL, Zhang K. Trophic relationships in a polyculture pond based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses: a case study in Jinghai Bay, China. Aquaculture. 2014, 428-429: 258-264.
Feng JX, Guo JM, Huang Q, Jiang JX, Huang GM, Yang ZW, Lin GH. Changes in the community structure and diet of benthic macrofauna in invasive Spartina alterniflora wetlands following restoration with native mangroves. Wetlands. 2014, 34: 673-683.
Gao Y, Zhou J, Wang LM, Guo JM, Feng JX, Wu H, Lin GH. Distribution patterns and controlling factors for the soil organic carbon in four mangrove forests of China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019. 17: e00575.
Zheng XW, Guo JM, Song WM, Feng JX, Lin GH. Methane Emission from mangrove wetland soils is marginal but can be stimulated significantly by anthropogenic activities. Forests. 2018. 9: 738, doi:10.3390/f9120738.
Li L, Ren WJ, Dong SL, Feng JX. Investigation of geographic origin, salinity and feed on stable isotope profile of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquaculture Research. 2018. 49 (2): 1029-1036.
Cui XW, Song WM, Feng JX, Jia D, Guo JM, Wang ZL, Wu H, Qi F, Liang J, Lin GH. Increased nitrogen input enhances Kandelia obovata seedling growth in the presence of invasive Spartina alterniflora in subtropical regions of China. Biology Letter. 2017, 13: 20160760.
Liu JL, Wu H, Feng JX, Li ZJ, Lin GH. Heavy metal contamination and ecological risk assessments in the sediments and zoobenthos of selected mangrove ecosystems, South China. Catena. 2014, 119: 136-142.
Jia D, Qi F, Xu X, Feng JX, Wu H, Guo JM, Lu WZ, Peng RH, Zhu XS, Luo YQ, Lin GH. Co-regulations of Spartina alterniflora invasion and exogenous nitrogen loading on soil N2O efflux in subtropical mangrove mesocosms. PloS ONE. 2015, 11(1): e0146199.
应锐, 蒋力, 尹芳敏, 黄建荣, 黎祖福, 王英永, 冯建祥*. 基于刺网、地笼的考洲洋游泳动物群落结构和多样性分析. 南方水产科学. 2019, 15(4): 1-10.
应锐, 陈婧芳, 高珊珊, 黎祖福, 冯建祥*. 石莼和海马齿对海水养殖水体的单一及协同净化效果. 生态学杂志, 2018, 37 (9): 2745-2753.
王申, 高珊珊, 蒋力, 黎祖福, 申倩倩, 冯建祥*. 水产养殖系统氮磷营养盐收支及其生态影响研究. 水产学杂志, 2018, 31(5): 50-57.
冯建祥,黄茜,陈卉, 申倩倩,黄建荣,黎祖福. 互花米草入侵对盐沼和红树林滨海湿地底栖动物群落的影响. 生态学杂志, 2018, 37(3): 943-951.
冯建祥, 朱小山, 宁存鑫, 林起辉, 吴浩, 李银心, 林光辉. 红树林种植-养殖耦合湿地生态修复效果评价. 中国环境科学, 2017, 37 (7): 2662-2673.(EI收录)
冯建祥, 宁存鑫, 朱小山, 林光辉. 福建漳江口本土红树植物秋茄替代互花米草生态修复效果定量评价.海洋与湖沼, 2017, 48 (2): 266-275.
柏建坤, 臧震宇, 冯建祥*, 林光辉. 黄河三角洲芦苇湿地生态修复效果评价研究.湿地科学与管理, 2016 , 12(3): 17-22.
冯建祥, 黄敏参, 黄茜, 郭婕敏, 林光辉. 稳定同位素在滨海湿地生态系统研究中的应用现状与前景. 生态学杂志, 2013, 32(4):1065-1074.
冯建祥, 董双林, 高勤峰, 孙侦龙, 王芳, 张凯. 海蜇养殖对池塘底泥营养盐和大型底栖动物群落结构的影响. 生态学报, 2011, 31(4):964-971.
林光辉主编,刘长安,冯建祥副主编. 滨海湿地生态修复技术及其应用. 2015, 北京:海洋出版社.
钱伟, 冯建祥, 宁存鑫, 朱小山, 王秋丽, 蔡中华. 近海污染的生态修复技术研究进展. 中国环境科学. 2018, 38 (5): 1855-1866.(EI收录)
殷萌清, 冯建祥, 黄小芳, 蔡中华, 林光辉, 周进. 天然及人工红树林土壤微生物群落结构分析. 生态科学. 2017, 36(5): 1-10.
翟哲, 冯建祥, 高珊珊, 陈婧芳, 黄建荣, 黎祖福. 生态浮床对养殖水产品中重金属含量和肌肉品质的影响. 水产学报. 2017, 41 (1): 88-98.
阎光宇, 冯建祥, 杨盛昌, 林光辉. 中国漳江口红树植物秋茄茎流特征及其影响因子. 应用生态学报. 2016, 27(7): 2048-2058.

Jianxiang Feng
Associate professor
He received his Ph.D. from Xiamen University in June 2014. Postdoc at Tsinghua University. He joined the School of Life Sciences of Sun Yat-sen University in 2016 and joined the School of Marine Sciences of Sun Yat-sen University in July 2019. The main research contents include the structure and nutritional relationship of benthic and swimming animal communities in mangrove wetlands, the characteristics of coastal wetland sources and pollutants, the adaptation mechanism of marine organisms to environmental factors, offshore fishery resources, and food network relationships. He presided over 5 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Youth Fund Project, and the China Postdoctoral Science Fund Project. The first (corresponding) author has published 22 papers in Journal of Applied Ecology, Chemosphere, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Oceans and Lakes, etc., including 13 SCI papers. The deputy editor-in-chief of a monograph, authorized 2 patents.
2014年6月于厦门大学获得博士学位。清华大学博士后。2016年加入中山大学生命科学学院,2019年7月加入中山大学海洋科学学院。主要研究内容包括红树林湿地底栖及游泳动物群落结构和营养关系、滨海湿地生源要素及污染物分布特征、海洋生物对环境因子胁迫的适应机制、近海渔业资源和食物网关系等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金项目,中国博士后科学基金项目等5项。以第一(通讯)作者在Journal of Applied Ecology、Chemosphere、Marine Pollution Bulletin、海洋与湖沼等国内外知名期刊发表论文22篇,其中SCI论文13篇。副主编专著一部,授权专利2项。